MongoDB Test

Question 1: MongoDB is a _________.

Question 2: Which of the following commands starts the MongoDB server?

Question 3: _________ is the command-line client of MongoDB Database?

Question 4: Which of the following commands starts Mongo Shell?

Question 5: which of the following commands creates a new database?

Question 6: MongoDB collections are similar to _______ in RDBMS.

Question 7: Which of the following method creates a new collection?

Question 8: MongoDB documents are similar to _______ in RDBMS.

Question 9: MongoDB stores data as ______ document.

Question 10: Which of the following methods are used to insert documents in a collection?

Question 11: Which of the following command is used to import data into collection?

Question 12: which of the following method is used to retrieve data from a collection?

Question 13: The find() method returns a _____ object.

Question 14: Which of the following methods is used to sort the data?

Question 15: which of the following methods update multiple documents in a collection?

Question 16: Which of the following methods deletes a single document in a collection?

Question 17: Which of the following deletes all the documents in a collection?

Question 18: The aggregation pipeline is an array of one or more _____ passed in the db.aggregate() method.

Question 19: Which of the following stages is equivalent to the find() method?

Question 20: ______is a method for distributing data across multiple machines.