SQL Server DATEPART Function
In SQL Server, the DATEPART()
function returns an integer representing the specific part of the given date e.g. day, month, year, hour, seconds, etc.
and DATENAME() are similar except for the return type. DATEPART returns int and DATENAME returns nvarchar.
DATEPART (datepart, date)
datepart: The specific part of the date parameter for which the DATEPART()
function will return an integer. The following table lists all valid datepart values:
datepart | datepart abbreviation |
year | y, yy, yyyy |
quarter | qq, q |
month | mm, m |
dayofyear | dy |
day | dd, d |
week | wk, ww |
hour | hh |
minute | mi, n |
second | ss, s |
millisecond | ms |
microsecond | mcs |
nanosecond | ns |
tzoffset | tz |
iso_week | isowk, isoww |
date: A date or date string that can be resolved to one of the data types: date, datetime, datetime2, time, smalldatetime, or datetimeoffset. It can be a string, a user-defined variable, or a table column.
Return Value
DATEPART returns an integer representing the datepart of a given date.
Get Month of Date
In the following example, the DATEPART()
function returns the month of the given date as an integer.
DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) AS CurrentMonth
Above, the DATEPART()
function returns the month number of the current date. The GETDATE() function returns the current datetime value.

Get Different Parts of the Date
In the following example, the DATEPART()
method returns all the datepart values of the given date.
SELECT DATEPART (mm, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Month
,DATEPART (d, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Day
,DATEPART (yy, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Year
,DATEPART (hh, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Hour
,DATEPART (minute, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Minute
,DATEPART (s, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Second
,DATEPART (ms, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS MilliSecond
,DATEPART (mcs, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS MicroSecond
,DATEPART (q, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Quarter
,DATEPART (dayofyear, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS DayOfYear
,DATEPART (wk, '04/20/2021 9:45:52.564722') AS Week
In the above example, we passed different datepart values in the DATEPART()
function. It will display the following result:

Use DATEPART with Column
In the following example, the DATEPART
function is used with the HireDate
column of the Employee
table and returns the Quarter and Year of hiring employees.
SELECT EmployeeID, DATEPART(q, HireDate) AS QuarterHired,
DATEPART(yy, HireDate) AS YearHired FROM Employee;