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Built-in Set Functions in Python

The following table lists all the functions that can be used with the set type in Python 3.

set.add()Adds an element to the set. If an element is already exist in the set, then it does not add that element.
set.clear()Removes all the elements from the set.
set.copy()Returns a shallow copy of the set.
set.difference()Returns the new set with the unique elements that are not in the another set passed as a parameter.
set.difference_update()Updates the set on which the method is called with the elements that are common in another set passed as an argument.
set.discard()Removes a specific element from the set.
set.intersection()Returns a new set with the elements that are common in the given sets.
set.intersection_update()Updates the set on which the instersection_update() method is called, with common elements among the specified sets.
set.isdisjoint()Returns true if the given sets have no common elements. Sets are disjoint if and only if their intersection is the empty set.
set.issubset()Returns true if the set (on which the issubset() is called) contains every element of the other set passed as an argument.
set.pop()Removes and returns a random element from the set.
set.remove()Removes the specified element from the set. If the specified element not found, raise an error.
set.symmetric_difference()Returns a new set with the distinct elements found in both the sets.
set.symmetric_difference_update()Updates the set on which the instersection_update() method called, with the elements that are common among the specified sets.
set.union()Returns a new set with distinct elements from all the given sets.
set.update()Updates the set by adding distinct elements from the passed one or more iterables.